As we settle into winter, reflecting on the year & as the light of the Sun in our sky wanes, consider turning inward, reaffirming your Sun, your life’s purpose, your essential truth.
As Steven Forrest affirms: “Each Sun sign represents a particular soul contract. Once we understand what kind of deal we made with the Universe at our first breath, our lives can unfold with far greater harmony, sanity, and vitality.”¹
During this season, as we reflect on core traits of our Sun sign, may we each gain deeper insights & creative ideas for reaching our best potential.
For the Sun in Aries treasure & further develop your courage, honesty, independence &
For the Sun in Taurus treasure & further develop your calm graciousness, earthy sensuality & loyalty.
For the Sun in Gemini treasure & further develop your friendly curiosity, versatility & love of knowledge.
For the Sun in Cancer treasure & further develop your nurturing care, emotional awareness & gentleness.
For the Sun in Leo treasure & further develop your engaging spirit, warmhearted liveliness & enthusiasm.
For the Sun in Virgo treasure & further develop your inspired improvements, helpful assistance & growing self-care.
For the Sun in Libra treasure & further develop your natural charm, consideration of others & creation of beauty.
For the Sun in Scorpio treasure & further develop your deep healing insight & passion & transformative connections.
For the Sun in Sagittarius treasure & further develop your optimism, open-mindedness & generosity of spirit.
For the Sun in Capricorn treasure & further develop your accomplished effectiveness, dependability & patience.
For the Sun in Aquarius treasure & further develop your unique individuality, inventiveness & altruistic inclusiveness.
For the Sun in Pisces treasure & further develop your inspired imagination, empathy &
May your holidays be wrapped in warmth, touched by joy and filled with peace and love.
¹Steven Forrest,