The 11th House

As we navigate around our birth charts, toward greater self-understanding, we arrive at the 11th house. 

It is in this house where we experience our place in the wider world, what role we take & the reception we get out there. It’s the traditional house of friends, those who we would speak of as our “tribe”.

What is your way of being a joiner? Collaboration, shared visions & community participation, all find expression in the 11th house.  A defining factor is the zodiac sign on the 11th house as well as the signs in which your 11th house planets reside. 

“The Eleventh House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to your role in your community and society.”

  • The grounded orientation of the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn on the 11th house, most skillfully used, are able to…

“Taurus – bring foundational energy to the communities & fulfill the role of the Builder archetype.

Virgo – bring problem-solving & service energy to the community, allowing you to fulfill the role of the Administrator archetype.

Capricorn – bring leadership and responsibility energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Father archetype.”

  • The communicative, intellectually oriented Air signs of Gemini, Libra & Aquarius, when positively applied, contribute…

“Gemini – bring networking energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Messenger archetype.

Libra – bring the partnering and fairness energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Lawmaker archetype.

Aquarius – bring idealistic energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Social or Civil Engineer archetype.”

  • The sensitive, intuitive signs Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces are able to skillfully contribute…

“Cancer – bring caring and healing energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Mother archetype.

Scorpio – bring transformative energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Change Agent archetype.

Pisces – bring the self and other awareness energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Counselor archetype.”

  • The inspiring, action-oriented Fire signs of Aries, Leo & Sagittarius positively contribute…

“Aries – bring individualistic energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Warrior archetype.

Leo – bring joyful and playful energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Performer archetype.

Sagittarius – bring the wider world view energy to the community & fulfill the role of the Explorer archetype. “¹

In learning more of the potential revealed by your 11th house sign, may your understanding inspire you to further grow & thrive in your community!!

¹ This month, I chose to quote the information on the website askastrology & encourage you to read the full article!!

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